Record of the History of Bohn Field
Lyle Bohn came to Arizona to enjoy the winters and to be able to pursue his hobby of flying model aircraft. His membership, as an officer and supportive member of clubs in various locations, spans over 50 years. A member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), Lyle promotes the guidelines and principals of AMA through his membership in other AMA chartered clubs.
Lyle had a hope that there could be a place to fly remote controlled aircraft in the Florence, Arizona area. During the initial stages of forming the Club, now known as the Florence Aero Modelers, no flying field was closer than twenty-five miles of Florence. After having a conversation with a Town of Florence representative, Lyle and a small number of others came together to look at possible locations for a local flying field.
About 2 and 1/2 miles south of the Town of Florence, the rodeo park site, operated by the Sheriffs' Posse, was suggested as a possible site. Several sessions with the Officers of that group were held. No workable solutions for combining activities came forth, however a suggestion was made to develop the property directly across Highway 79 from the rodeo grounds. After many meetings, Lyle and a number of interested model aircraft enthusiasts walked the site and proposed this site to the Town. Along with the town's engineer, park and recreations department supervisor and the town clerk, suitable runway orientation, various topographical and over-flight conditions were met to make this area workable for development of the airpark.
With the aid of a contractor, doing public improvement district projects for the Town, a plan for implementation and construction of the airpark emerged. The Club formed a membership of fifty plus members and with the help of the AMA District 10 and the AMA Region Vice President, AMA sanction was given to the site. During late 2007 and early 2008 the runway, parking area and pilot areas were graded, and the surface for the runway from recycled asphalt was placed, rolled, and compacted. With various donations of materials, i.e., the fencing, shade structure and other items, the airpark was dedicated in March of 2008 as the Florence Aero Modelers Airpark.
From the first inception of the Florence Aero Modelers Club, Lyle has kept the principal that the Club shall be a place where families can be involved in an activity together. His continued support of the airpark, and from the Town of Florence, is in the forefront of all activities planned and held at the airpark. Lyle's inspiration (with great support from his wife) and direction as president of the Club, have given many individuals and families a place to enjoy the hobby of flying model aircraft, as well as involvement in the community.